The visit is a voyage in the '700 to admire, aside from the Villa's frescoes, its magnificent open spaces.


The Entrance Park

Upon entering the VIlla the visitor is embraced by flower beds of multi-colour and scented roses and by the unmistakable fragrance of the Olea Fragrans trees.

Probably the present state of the garden is due to Elena Garzadori (end of 1700), wife of Gaetano and whose father, Giustino Valmarana had called the Tiepolo to paint the VIlla.


The Hornbeams Alley

On the sides it is delimited by two green tunnels of Hornbeams, designed to embelish the park and to offer shadow to those wishing to have a walk in the warmer months. Closing its Northern side is a Niphaeum. In its niche is situated  a large statue of a Triton riding a dolphin.


The "Giardino all'Italiana"

Situated on the west side of the hill, between the Palazzina and the Foresteria, it has a simmetrical design. Within it, among flowerbeds, gravel paths and low box hedges, two large Olea Fragrans trees can be admired.


The Portico and the Terrace

At the end of the visit in the Foresteria, the terrace (where the Caffé is located) offers a magnificent view of the Stable and of the Valletta del Silenzio, dominated by the Monte Berico Sanctuary.

The Portico is decorated with the very special friezes of the Barbarigo Tumb (1488, attributed to Tullio Lombardo) which were in the Church of Santa Maria della Carità in Venice.


The Old Family Theatre

Located on the west side of the hill, next to the "Giardino all'Italiana", it is of rectangular shape, delimited on the sides by a low wall and, towards the vally, by a wall fresced by Giandomenico Tiepolo and Girolamo Mengozzi called  "il colonna", with the funcion of theatre stage. In the middle there is a well, from which in the past provided water. The structure was dedicated to entertainment, with theatre exhibitions and declamation of poems.