Villa Valmarana is open daily, except on Christmas Day, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Reservations and payments through the Booking System are required only for groups larger than 15 people and for guided tours.


fino al 07.03       dall’08.03       
Standard Ticket (both interiors and exteriors) 12 € 15 €
Premium Ticket (Standard+Multimedia Kit) 16 € 20 €
Reduced and Partner Ticket* 10 € 12 €
Reduced Ticket for Groups (min. 15 people) and Adult/Senior University Educational Visits 10 € 12 €
Reduced Ticket for Vicenza 8 € 12 €
Reduced Ticket for Young Visitors and Companions of People with Disabilities 7 € 9 €
Family Ticket (2 Adults + 2 Young Visitors Aged 12–25) 30 € X
Family Ticket (1 Adult + 1 Young Visitors Aged 12–18) X 20 €
Park Ticket (Exterior Areas Only) 5 € X

Free Admissions

Persons with disabilities
Children up to 11 years old
One accompanying person for groups over 15 people
Authorized tour guides

*Reduced and Partner Tickets

Members of FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano
Members of TCI – Touring Club Italiano
Members of AVV – Associazione Ville Venete
Members of Pro Loco – UNPLI
Holders of Cartafreccia cards
Participants in the Fogazzaro Roi walking route
Residents of Vicenza and Province
Seniors (75 years and older)
Groups (minimum 15 people)

Buy your ticket

Terms and Conditions

Concessions are valid only upon presentation of the respective membership cards or agreements.

Refunds are not available in case of missed visits or if the number of participants is fewer than indicated in the reservation.

Reservations are required only for groups larger than 15 people and for guided tours.