Elena Garzadori

Elena Garzadori, a member of the Vicenza aristocracy, married Gaetano Valmarana in 1772. She undertook the restructuring of the Villa and its garden, which became the focus of her care and attention. Under her influence, the enchantment of San Bastiano was revived, transforming it once again into a place of gatherings and conviviality.

Her watercolors reveal the garden as she envisioned it: they depict Villa San Bastiano, later Villa Fogazzaro, Villa Valmarana ai Nani with its Guesthouse, the Stables, and the garden terraces. The paintings also feature a small Chinese Pagoda pavilion, adding an exotic touch to the garden’s charm.

During this period, the Villa and its hostess received visits from notable figures such as Francisco de Miranda, the Venezuelan patriot, and Wolfgang Goethe.


From the very beginning, we wanted to make Elena Garzadori the protagonist of our renewed park, brought to life through the PNRR M1C3 Historic Parks and Gardens project. Nei nostri filmati è lei a guidarci nella zona della Palazzina, a farci scoprire l’orto, i giardini, la Pagoda e il Nido, conducendoci lungo i percorsi del Bosco che un tempo amava.

In our new videos, she guides us through the area of the Palazzina; she helps us discovering the vegetable garden, the gardens and the Pagoda and the very special structure, the “Nest” that takes us high up to the sky.


Elena represents the link between past and present: she was the true creator of the Villa’s modern garden who, after so many years, entrusts us with its renewal and care.

It was within the Valmarana household and the delights of San Bastiano that she brought to life, here in Vicenza,  one of the most exquisite societies in Europe.


  1. Elena Garzadori, watercolor featuring the Guesthouse, Woodland, and Pagoda
  2. Elena Garzadori, watercolor with a view of the Sanctuary of the Madonna di Monte Berico
  3. Elena Garzadori, watercolor featuring the Guesthouse, Woodland, Pagoda, and Villa La Rotonda